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New England Science Fiction Association
December 15, 2020

Special Offerings on Boskone 58 Souvenir Books Ads

Boskone 58 is going virtual! That means our Souvenir Book is also virtual, in other words, as a PDF only. This provides us unique opportunities since our our production costs are lower and multiple ways to share your ad with our community.

Special Offerings

  • Ad rates that are significantly lower than printed editions
  • Entire Souvenir Book designed in full color
  • Virtual convention table space at no additional charge
  • Boskone 58 Souvenir Book shared on the Boskone 58 website, convention website, and emailed to our members

Since production costs are lower, we’re passing along the savings to our community in a variety of ways. Ad rates for Boskone 58 are significantly lower than our regularly printed Souvenir Book. Being virtual also allows us to take advantage of full color design for the entire Souvenir Book, including ads.

In addition to the price reduction for ads, we also have the new opportunity to provide a virtual table on the Boskone 58 event site. Think of the virtual table as a landing page for your organization that lives inside of the convention site, giving you an even deeper connection to the community where you can post freebies, images, live chat with members, and even add link to offsite stores for sales.

Boskone 58 Souvenir Book Ads are perfect for:

  • Announcing upcoming books, book launches, gallery shows, album releases
  • Promoting your SFF podcast, stream, or Youtube channel
  • Raising awareness of SFF fan organizations/events

 Due Dates & Deadlines:

  • Purchase your ad today: Pay Online.
  • Reservation deadline: December 31, 2020.
  • Ad copy deadline: December 31, 2020.

Rates for Virtual Souvenir Book:

Back Cover:   $115   $75
Inside Cover:   $95   $60
Full Page:   $75   $30
½ Page:   $50   $20
¼ Page:   $35   $15

After placing your order, you will receive an email from our Boskone Ads team that will include a reminder about the due dates for your ad and link to a form where you can include additional information that our staff will use to create your virtual table aka Sponsor Page. Technical information and specs can be found here. 

Boskone 58 Sponsor Tables


Financial Transparency Statement

We have eliminated our printing costs for the Boskone 58 Souvenir Book since it will be PDF only this year. However, there are still some overhead costs that need to be covered. These costs include design work, software and digital assets, and staff access to create the virtual Sponsor Pages for our advertisers.