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New England Science Fiction Association

Am I Already a Member?

Information about memberships bought or earned for Boskone 58

Memberships for virtual Boskone 58 are $25 per person and are now available online.

  • If you are a Life Member of Boskone, the Virtual Boskone 58 membership is included.
  • If you Volunteered for at least 12 hours at Boskone 57 we have rolled your membership to Boskone 59.
  • If you had purchased a Boskone 58 membership at Boskone 57 for $50, or online last spring for $60, we have converted that membership to Boskone 59.

We did this since the price of the Boskone 58 virtual convention membership is so much lower than for an in-person membership. If you have a question about your membership or would like to ask about alternate arrangements, please contact Boskone Registration at

Membership Search Instructions

  • Use the search field below to look for either your badge name or the default first and last name that will be used for your badge.
  • Searches are assumed to have a wildcard at the beginning and at the end. Thus, “Fro” will find both “Frodo” and “Frogbert” as well as “Saffron” and “Jafro”
  • Those familiar with Perl, regular expressions may use them to further narrow the
    search. (If you don’t know what that means, just type the first three letters, and it’ll work.)
  • The search will return, at most, 100 results. If this happens, narrow your search.
  • If you purchased your membership today, it may take up to 1 week for our search system to display your name during the spring and summer seasons.
  • Have a registration question? Contact us at

Membership search for Boskone 58 has been disabled while we combine our databases.