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New England Science Fiction Association
February 6, 2013

NESFA voted for a Code of Conduct for Boskone

Boskone Code of Conduct

Be respectful and courteous towards others. We expect you to understand that you need to ask before you touch and that no means no. Harassment of any kind, from intimidation to illegal behavior will not be tolerated. This policy applies to your interactions with everybody. We also expect you to refrain from illegal, destructive, and hazardous conduct.

Violation of this policy can result in action by the con committee ranging from warnings, to having your badge yanked with no refund, to permanent banning. Action by the convention in no way precludes the injured individual or the hotel from pursuing whatever remedies, civil or criminal, as they see fit.

If you feel you are being harassed, please let the Con Chair or a NESFA Officer know. If necessary please ask a Committee member to find one of those people for you. You will be treated with respect and your concerns will be taken seriously. All names involved will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but any accused has the right to know enough detail to be able to defend him or herself.

Please note that other behaviors, including but not limited to destruction of hotel property, can also result in the actions described above.

Boskone is a members’ only event and the con committee reserves the right to determine who may be a member.

Parties in a hotel room are considered the responsibility of the person who rented the room. Thus, a person throwing a party in his or her hotel room has the right to eject any person from his or her party if he or she deems that the person is behaving inappropriately.

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