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New England Science Fiction Association

Hot Off the Press: Read the Boskone 58 Souvenir Book!

The Boskone 58 Souvenir Book is available for download! Since Boskone 58 is a virtual convention this year, we have created a beautiful PDF version of the Boskone 58 Souvenir Book for you to read that includes guest introductions, lovely art from our official artist Julie Dillon, a short story by Carlos Hernandez, a special […]

Boskone Programming by the Numbers

For the number crunchers out there, we have a few Boskone statistics that you may enjoy chewing on…However, I have to remind you that the program items are still in flux. So, these numbers are accurate as of right now. Things might shake out slightly differently by February 13, 2015 when Boskone starts. Right now […]

The Return of the Guests: The Once and Current Boskonians!

Boskone is well-known for the number of guests who continue to return to the convention as regular program participants long after their “guest” status is over. This year we have a wonderful assortment of past guests who have returned once again to participate in Boskone 51’s programming. In fact, Seanan McGuire (aka Mira Grant), this […]

Fresh Faces and Old Friends Coming to Boskone

Boskone has terrific speakers this year, many of whom are not from the Boston area as well as many who are participating in programming for the first time. We also have several old friends who have returned to Boskone after a few years absence and others who are joining us as our special guests. Be […]

The 2014 Boskone Schedule is Up!

Can’t wait to start planning your Boskone? Great news, the Boskone schedule is up! Take a look at your favorite authors, panel topics and more. Available by day, by panelist and in multiple downloadable formats. Get your Boskone membership today.

Helpful Tips for Boskone Moderators

Conventions like Boskone are events with many moving parts. One of those parts, perhaps the most visible part, is the Program. In order to pull off Boskone, a dedicated team of volunteers comes together every year to organize hundreds of program items from panels to solo talks, signings, kaffeeklatsches, and more. However, one of the […]