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New England Science Fiction Association
February 24, 2013

Boskone 2013: Share Your Favorite Moments

After every con, it’s common to debrief with friends and share our favorite moments with each other. So, we thought it might be fun to check in with a few of our panelists to see what their favorite Boskone 2013 moments were!

Do you have a favorite moment? Please leave it in the comments for us all to share.

Christopher Golden: The moment when I realized the guy I thought was just a fan who’d cultivated the George R. R. Martin look was actually George R. R. Martin. I felt certain I’d have known it if he were going to be there, so it couldn’t have been him, and yet it was.

Elizabeth Bear: My favorite Boskone moment was the silly photos.

James Patrick Kelly: My favorite hour of the con was the presentation/panel/whatever that I did on Saturday morning entitled “The Virtual World of The Matrix Re-imagined as a Utopia.” I really didn’t have a plan for this one; I just thought I’d give a rant about the assumptions of The Matrix that I’ve given several times and then see what happened. What happened was that my pal and fellow workshopper Steve Popkes asked in and so I made him my co-presenter and instead of just a handful of people in the audience we had twenty+ really, really interested and interesting folks show up. Steve and I came out from behind the table and pulled up chairs with the audience and once I gave my rant we were off – all of us! We talked about the Singularity, heaven, AR, VR, ethics, immortality, boredom and the multiverse. It just confirmed my opinion that, for certain conversations at least, there are no better people than science fiction people, and the Boskonians are the crème de la crème.

Bob Eggleton: One of the fun panels I was on at Boskone was this “Who Did That Art” in which a slide of an old SF cover is presented and it’s up to three of us to guess the artist.

David Anthony Durham: You know what made me smile at Boskone? Watching a former Clarion student of mine, Gillian Daniels, holding her own on a panel about Genre in the Theater. Being moderated on a panel by Erin Underwood, who I first met when she was a student at another program I teach for, the Stonecoast MFA. Being on yet another panel with a recent Clarion alum, John Chu. And that’s just to name a few. It was being reminded that this community of writers encourages and supports emerging talent wonderfully. That’s rare, and it’s something to be proud of.

Julia Rios: My Kaffeeklatsche conversation went from one signed up attendee to an impromptu table full of enthusiastic con-goers. The group included an agent, a 13-year-old, and several writers at different stages of their careers. We had a fantastic conversation with lots of humor, insightful comments, and shared resources. When the time was up, more than half of us moved into the Irish Pub to continue talking over lunch. That’s exactly the sort of serendipitous event I look forward to at Boskone.