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New England Science Fiction Association
February 14, 2017

B54 Mini Interviews: Flourish Klink, Paul Di Filippo and Lisa Hertel

It’s finally here! Boskone kicks off this Friday at the Westin Waterfront in Boston. We have a few more mini interviews to help you through the week.

flourishklink_74Flourish Klink

Half of Fansplaining, a podcast by, for and about (transformative media) fandom. Chief Research Officer and Partner in Chaotic Good Studios, which the PR people say is a “franchise-focused content company” out in LA. Board member of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Continual fanfiction author. Find her online at her website and on Twitter.

How would you describe your work to people who might be unfamiliar with you?

“My day job and my fannish life are pretty separate. In my day job, I study audiences—fan cultures, and also other people who might not be “”superfans”” (Lord, I hate that word, but it seems to have caught on) but who are particularly devoted to particular movie franchises. Then I help guide those franchises to better choices about what to do: what movies to make, what tie-ins to create, etc. I like the job because I think that when a franchise gets it right, they make the right choices both for fans and for their business. I don’t think the two things are mutually exclusive.

In my fannish life, though, I write fanfic and am deeply engaged interactive storytelling—I’m a board member of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation along with Andrew Plotkin, who is another Boskone regular. I’m especially interested in forms of interactive storytelling that anyone can access, that is, that don’t require you to be a AAA videogame producer. So I like making things like visual novels and interactive fiction. Right now, I’m working on an original visual novel about time travel, my first original work in a very long time—but like much SF, it’s so intertextual that it might as well be fanfic. (And yes, I’ll go to the mat for that, too: in fact, I’ll say that fantasy often is as well… fight me!)”

What is it that you enjoy most about Boskone?

I really love the community feel of Boskone. I’m from a younger fan demographic, and a lot of people don’t have the same experience of fandom being something that’s built by fans for fans, or the same experience of communities that have gathered together over many years. To me, that’s one of the greatest things about fandom, and Boskone really exemplifies it.

From a fan perspective, what new book, film, TV show, or comic are you most looking forward to seeing/reading?

I’m thrilled—THRILLED—about the new Twin Peaks. It’s not traditionally “fannish” in the sense of being sci fi or fantasy, but of course it has its adherents. But what I’m really thrilled about is how coherently the whole thing hangs together. “Twin Peaks, coherent?!” you might say. Yes! I mean this: Twin Peaks has several tie-in novels and an audiobook, and they are all 100% canonical, they reference each other and they have not been “Jossed” or deleted the way the Star Wars Extended Universe has been. What’s more, they’re incredibly high quality (try reading The Secret Diary Of Laura Palmer; you’ll really believe it’s a teen girl’s diary… and it’s just as chilling as Fire Walk with Me, which I will defend to my death). The latest just came out, written by Mark Frost (co-writer of the original series) and it’s fantastic, The X-Files like it should have been, just playing with all the ideas that sprang out of Twin Peaks‘ original run and doing them better than ever. My expectations are incredibly high and for once I don’t think they’ll be disappointed.

Paul Di Filippo

Paul Di Filippo has been writing professionally for nearly forty years. His latest book, Lost Among the Stars, appeared in December of 2016. He lives in Providence with his mate Deborah Newton. Find him online at his website and on Facebook.

How would you describe your work to people who might be unfamiliar with you?

My fiction is all over the map of fantastika, as I thnk my latest collection, Lost Among the Stars, illustrates quite well. I even just finished a totally mimetic crime novel, as part of my continuing pursuit to conquer every mode of fiction. next up, a nurse novel? A western? Who knows!

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

I am editing a Readers Guide to SF/F for Magill’s, and the chance to be on the other side of the writer/editor fence is something new for me. Never too late in a career to try something different!

What is it that you enjoy most about Boskone?

I truly enjoy the family atmosphere, where all attendees, even newcomers, are invited to feel like brothers and sisters of fantastika. Also, the putting aside of partisan passions in honor of shared values.

lisahertel_61Lisa Hertel

Lisa Hertel is an artist in a variety of media, including pottery, watercolors and encaustics. She is currently illustrating classic animal tales from around the world and writing up the accompanying stories, and intends to publish a book eventually. See her work at her studio at Western Avenue Studios in Lowell MA, or on her website, You can also find her on Twitter.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

Recently, I’ve been expanding into new media. I really like alcohol inks and encaustics, the ancient art of painting with wax. Because the pigment is embedded in beeswax, so long as you keep it out of the sun, it won’t fade, so some of the few colored things we have from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians is encaustics. Both alcohol inks and encaustics are fairly abstract media, which is good for me; I felt I was getting too tight with my watercolors and pen-and-inks. Of course, I still do a lot of pottery as well. Working in a building with 200 other artists has really expanded my repertoire.

How would you describe your work to people who might be unfamiliar with you?

Some days, I’m not sure I can describe my work to myself! I’m one of those people who refused to develop a style — or rather, I’ve developed several. The watercolors over pen-and-inks gets a lot of compliments, but it’s very exacting work; it’s a long process of penciling, inking, erasing the pencil lines, and then painting. The large pencils are physically demanding, as I have to work at an easel, which hurts after a while; they take months to complete. The encaustics and alcohol inks are faster and more fun, but I keep wanting them to be less abstract, and am exploring ways to do that. Finally, the pottery is physically demanding in a whole different way; it requires strength to manipulate the clay, and so many things get recycled before they even finish drying because I feel they aren’t worthy. They turn-around time for any pottery item is minimally two weeks, so it’s also a slow process. My motto is “art is not for wimps.”

What event or experience stands out as one of those ‘defining moments’ that shaped who you are today?

When I was in high school, two friends walked in after February vacation wearing cool buttons with the word “Boskone” on them. I asked where they got them; they told me “A science fiction convention.” Wide-eyed, I replied, “They have those?” I started going to Boskone the next year (1979) and have been to almost every one since. As for my friends, they became well-known in the comic book field — Kurt Busiek & Scott McCloud.

February 13, 2017

Join the Discussion: Sign Up for a Kaffeeklatsch

What’s a kaffeeklatsch? It’s a chance to sit in a small group discussion with an author, artist, editor, or publisher for a fun and lively discussion!

Come join the discussion and ask them about anything under the sun or beyond the stars. Check out the pocket program or the online schedule to see who will be doing what, and when. However, before showing up for the discussion, be sure to sign up early for your preferred kaffeeklatsch to avoid losing your seat at the table!

This is your chance to ask that burning question about the new novel. Hear some interesting stories about the struggles of being a writer or making your first sale. You might even meet a new friend, discover some new books for your “to read” list, or compare notes during a critical discussion about a literary theory. These small group discussions are rewarding opportunities to get to know your favorite writer better.

Sign-up Is Required

The sign-up sheets will be available the day before the scheduled kaffeeklatch and are located at Program Ops, which is near Registration in the Harbor Foyer at the top of the escalator.


10:00 am: Esther Friesner
10:00 am: Fran Wilde
11:00 am: Adam Stemple
11:00 am: Jo Walton
12:00 noon: Jack M. Haringa
12:00 noon: Max Gladstone
1:00 pm: John Langan
1:00 pm: Sarah Beth Durst
2:00 pm: Jane Yolen
2:00 pm: Teresa Nielsen Hayden & Patrick Nielsen Hayden
3:00 pm: Melinda Snodgrass
3:00 pm: Robert J. Sawyer
4:00 pm: Bruce Coville
4:00 pm: Michael Whelan
5:00 pm: Ken MacLeod
5:00 pm: Milton Davis

10:00 am: Maryelizabeth Yturralde
10:00 am: Neil Clarke
11:00 am: Karl Schroeder
11:00 am: Walter Jon Williams
12:00 noon: Kenneth Schneyer
12:00 noon: Paul Tremblay
1:00 pm: Charles Stross
1:00 pm: Lojo Russo & Lorraine Garland
2:00 pm: Dave Seeley
2:00 pm: Leigh Perry
3:00 pm: Ginjer Buchanan

February 13, 2017

Free Friday Programming is back!

Still on the fence about Boskone? Consider checking us out on Friday, February 17th for an afternoon of free programming. That’s right, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm Boskone is FREE and open to the public!Free Friday Afternoon

For our third free Friday afternoon, we’ve packed in even more programming to give you a taste of why so many people love Boskone. With more than 25 program items, including panels, autographings, and reading from your favorite authors, Boskone offers a little something for everyone.

Here’s a  glimpse at some of the items scheduled during Free Friday afternoon.

  • Temperament and the Writer
    • Panelists: Leigh Perry (M), Esther Friesner, Richard Shealy, Ian Randal Strock, Steve Davidson
    • How can a writer cope with the ups and downs of the writing biz? We thought about using the following title and description, but not all writers are miserable depressives!
      • Why You Should NOT Become a Writer: [NOTE: Presented as a public service by Boskone.] Listen to us, we beg you! Writing is long lonely hours of cruel labor and dismal self-doubt, plus humiliation (publishers) and indifference (the public). Our experts will share their most horrifying stories of the degradation and despair of every writer’s life. If you’re smart you won’t even show up. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
  • My Toughest Book
    • Panelists: Brandon Sanderson, Charles Stross, Walter Jon Williams, Darlene Marshall (M), Allen M. Steele
    • What makes a book difficult to write, or difficult to write well? Is ignorance of the subject matter a barrier? Is knowing too much? We’re always told to “write what you know, ” but can this be a trap? How about troubles with plot, character, dialog, or pacing? Our panel of authors recall which of their works had the most arduous gestation.
  • Climate Change in SF/F/H
    • Panelists: Jeff Hecht, Vincent Docherty, Tom Easton, Allen M. Steele (M), Justine Graykin
    • The political temperature on this topic is not all that’s rising. How are our authors covering this? What’s more interesting to read and write about: possible solutions or post-apocalyptic disasters? Who’s got the best hot take?
  • Autograph session: Brandon Sanderson, Milton Davis
  • Reading by Christopher Golden

And so much more! Check out our full program schedule to see what Boskone has in store for you.

After 6:00 pm on Friday and through the rest of the convention, you’ll need to purchase an attending membership to stay and enjoy the events, panels, interviews, games, and more! Weekend passes as well as day passes are available.

Come early, stay late, and return for more. It all begins at 2:00 pm on Friday, February 17. See you there!

February 12, 2017

Dave Seeley is Coming to Boskone

Hometown artist Dave Seeley is Boskone 54’s Offcial Artist. He’s planning a spectacular display and you are sure to be impressed! Be sure to stop by and say, “Hello!”

Bio: Dave Seeley claims to be a victim of modern mass media and the one-second-MTV-vid-shot, hence the moniker “Image Junkie”. He is far more influenced by contemporary sci-fi film noir than by the legacy of science fiction illustration.

Dave came from an education in architecture and fine art. After 10 years as an award-winning architect, he was seduced by the glamour of illustration and derailed his career for the far more immediate gratification of image making. The inner-architect is flourishing in his work, where a sense of materials fetishism, and a love of spatial atmospherics are omnipresent.

Dave’s recent monograph, The Art of Dave Seeley, published by Insight Editions, has received top ranked reviews from ImagineFX magazine and In addition, Dave is one of 10 artists profiled in Dick Jude’s Fantasy Art Masters by Harper Collins, and profiled in Karen Haber’s Masters of Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. He is a contributor to Jane Frank’s Pixel or Paint by NonStop Press. Dave is interviewed in issue 39 of ImagineFX Magazine, and is featured in the August ’06 Art Scene International. He is also featured in the documentary film by Michael MacDonald at Roadhouse films called Visions From the Edge: The Art of Science Fiction, and will be featured in the upcoming Bill Neimeyer film Art of the Fantastic. You can see more printed work in SPECTRUM: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art , Ballistic’s Exposé, and d-artist Concept Art.

Clients Include: Hasbro, Disney, Lucasfilm, Vivendi Universal, Microsoft Games Studios, FromSoft Games, Sideshow Collectibles, Sony, Baen Books, Tor Books, Randomhouse / Del Rey / Ballantine Books / Penguin, Harlequin Gold Eagle, Ace, St Martins, Kensington Books, PYR press, Simon and Schuster, Harper Collins, Scholastic, Harcourt School Publishers, Night Shade Books, Solaris Books, Midway Games, Fox Interactive, The Village Voice, Heavy Metal Magazine, Popular Science Magazine, Boy’s Life Magazine, Humanoids Publishing, White Wolf Publishing, FASA, Wizards of the Coast, TSR, Wild Planet Toys, DC Comics, and a host of advertising firms.

You can see, commission, learn about and buy work in multiple media at

Dave’s Schedule at Boskone:

Friday 8:15 PM
Boskone 54 Reception & Opening Ceremony
Milton Davis, Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo, Ken MacLeod, Brandon Sanderson, Dave Seeley, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, David G. Grubbs (M), Erin Underwood (M), Gay Ellen Dennett (M)
Galleria – Art Show · 105 min · Event
Connoisseurs and philistines alike: welcome to the Boskone Art Show! Join us in the Galleria for an upscale social mixer. Meet our program participants while enjoying refreshments, stimulating conversation, and exceptional art that’s a feast for the eyes. Experience the music and the festivities as Boskone celebrates another year of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in Boston.

Saturday 10:00 AM
SketchUp as a Tool for 2-D Artists: Art Demo by Official Artist Dave Seeley
Dave Seeley
Marina 1 · 120 min · Demonstration
Dave Seeley incorporates a variety of tools and methods in his work. Using the free software SketchUp, Boskone’s Official Artist shares how he builds and renders artistic elements within his 2-D illustrations.

Saturday 2:00 PM
Art of the Fantastic: A Journey Into Creation (Documentary)
William H. Niemeyer (M)
Harbor II · 60 min · Film/TV/Media
Join us for a special viewing of Art of the Fantastic, by writer/director William Niemeyer. This artful documentary focuses on imaginative realism: its creative process, historic importance, and widespread influence. The film also covers the influences on imaginative realism itself, from the caves of Lascaux, to the likes of Michelangelo and Da Vinci, and through the centuries to more contemporary artists of the genre including Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Michael Whelan, Bob Eggleton, Donato Giancola, and Dave Seeley, just to mention a few. (Followed by a live panel discussion.)

Saturday 3:00 PM
After Art of the Fantastic: A Journey Into Creation (Discussion)
William H. Niemeyer (M), Alan F. Beck, Bob Eggleton, Dave Seeley
Harbor II · 60 min · Panel
Following the viewing of William Niemeyer’s documentary, several of Boskone’s artists join us for an in-depth discussion of fantastic art — touching on the themes, artists, and art history covered in the film.

Sunday 10:00 AM
Kids’ Tour of the Art Show
Dave Seeley, Persis Thorndike
Galleria · 60 min · Children – DragonsLair

Sunday 11:00 AM
Official Artist Presentation: The Long Journey to The Art of Dave Seeley
Dave Seeley
Harbor III · 60 min · Solo Talk
Dave promises to tell us, “a story of how disparate contacts and planting seeds along the way, not a popularity contest, eventually led to the publication of my art monograph.” Although the resulting big, beautiful 2014 book is pretty popular around these parts …

Sunday 1:00 PM
Autographing: John Langan, Brandon Sanderson, Robert J. Sawyer, Dave Seeley
Robert J. Sawyer, Brandon Sanderson, John Langan, Dave Seeley
Galleria · 60 min · Autographing

2:00 PM
Kaffeeklatsch: Dave Seeley
Dave Seeley
Harbor I · 60 min · Kaffeeklatsch


Want to attend Boskone? We’d love to see you there. All attendees need to purchase a Boskone 54 convention membership. Click here to buy yours today! 

Note: Boskone Programming starts at 2:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and is open to the public from 2:00-6:00 pm. A membership is required after 6:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and through the rest of the weekend.

Full Weekend Rates

One Day Rates

February 11, 2017

B54 Mini Interviews: Theodora Goss, Dan Moren and Tom Easton

We’re less than a week away from Boskone! Get excited for this year’s convention with on our latest batch of mini interviews.

Theodora Goss

theodoragoss_22Theodora Goss’s publications include the short story collection In the Forest of Forgetting (2006); Interfictions (2007), a short story anthology coedited with Delia Sherman; Voices from Fairyland (2008), a poetry anthology with critical essays and a selection of her own poems; The Thorn and the Blossom (2012), a novella in a two-sided accordion format; and the poetry collection Songs for Ophelia (2014).


She has been a finalist for the Nebula, Locus, Crawford, Seiun, and Mythopoeic Awards, as well as on the Tiptree Award Honor List. Her short story “Singing of Mount Abora” won the World Fantasy Award. Her novel The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter is forthcoming in June, 2017 from Saga Press. Find her online at her website, Twitter and Facebook.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

I’m writing the second book in a series forthcoming from Saga Press! It’s about the adventures of Mary Jekyll, Diana Hyde, Beatrice Rappacini, Catherine Moreau, and Justine Frankenstein in the late 19th century. The first book took place in London. In the second book, they head to Vienna and Budapest. I loved doing the research (which involved actually going to Austria and Budapest), and now I’m loving writing the book . . . The first one, The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter, will be out in June!

How would you describe your work to people who might be unfamiliar with you?

I have no idea. Fantasy? Magical Realism? Realism with some magic in it? I seem to write at the intersection of the real and fantastical, although honestly our world is so fantastical that I think of myself as a realist.

What is it that you enjoy most about Boskone?

Getting together with people who love all the things I love: fantasy books and films and art. It’s so much fun to hear great authors talk about writing, and wander through the art show, and look at (and buy) all the things for sale. Boskone is one of my favorite conventions.


Dan Moren

A novelist, freelance writer, and prolific podcaster, Dan’s work has appeared in the Boston Globe, Macworld, Popular Science, Yahoo Tech, Tom’s Guide, Six Colors, The Magazine, and TidBITS, among other places. He formerly served as a senior editor at Macworld. His first novel, the rollicking sci-fi adventure The Caledonian Gambit, is forthcoming from Talos Press. Dan’s repped by Joshua Bilmes and Sam Morgan of JABberwocky Literary Agency. Dan also co-hosts tech podcasts Clockwise and The Rebound, writes and hosts nerdy quiz show Inconceivable!, and is a frequent panelist on the Parsec-award-winning podcast The Incomparable. He lives in Somerville, Massachusetts, where he plays ultimate frisbee, enjoys games (of the video and tabletop variety), and is generally working on a novel or two. When he’s not wasting time on Twitter, anyway. Find him online at his website and Twitter.

What are you looking forward to at Boskone?

So, I’ve been attending Boskone for many years now—in fact, it’s where I first met my literary agent—but this is the first year I’ll be going to the con as a participant. I’m really looking forward to being part of the program, and getting to discuss topics that I love with the other panelists and attendees; I think it’ll be a lot of fun. Failing that, I hope it will at least be entertaining to the audience when I crash and burn.

From a fan perspective, what new book, film, TV show, or comic are you most looking forward to seeing/reading?

For my money, James S.A. Corey’s series, The Expanse, is just about the finest sci-fi going these days. As I write this, I think the next book is only about a week out, and I’m looking forward to devouring it while I’m on a beach the weekend following. The TV show adaptation of the series has also been incredibly engaging, even if it doesn’t entirely match up with what I pictured in the book (how could it, really?), so I’m eagerly anticipating the next season of that as well.

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

Miles Vorkosigan, from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga. (You haven’t read it? Get thee to a library!) There’s an aura of chaos that whirls around the character; where Miles goes, trouble is sure to follow. He’s an unlikely hero, and I love that the books follow him as he ages and matures—it makes him more relatable to the rest of us who, with the exception of the odd vampire, are also getting older.


Tom Easton

Tom Easton is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, a well-known science fiction critic (he wrote the SF magazine Analog’s book review column for 30 years), and a retired college professor. He holds a doctorate in theoretical biology from the University of Chicago. He writes textbooks for McGraw-Hill on Science, Technology, & Society and Environmental Science. Over the years he has published about fifty science fiction and fantasy short stories, ten SF novels, and several anthologies, of which the latest, coedited with Judith K. Dial, is Conspiracy! (NESFA Press, 2016).

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

Putting together retrospective collections (The GMO Future and Love Songs and UFOs) for Wildside Press. I am also writing short-shorts in hope of repeating my one sale to Nature Futures (published Nov 3, 2016).

How would you describe your work to people who might be unfamiliar with you?

I try to understand the trends that will shape the future.

What are you looking forward to at Boskone?

Talking up new projects.


February 10, 2017

Maryelizabeth Yturralde is Coming to Boskone

If you love books and bookstores, you must absolutely meet Boskone 54’s Special Guest Maryelizabeth Yturralde. Coming to Boston from the sunny shores of San Diego, Maryelizabeth is returning to Boskone after more than a decade away. Let’s hope she brings some of that delicious California sunshine with her!

Maryelizabeth YturraldeBio: Maryelizabeth Yturralde last attended Boskone in 1984, and spent the next decade working in chain bookstores. Maryelizabeth co-founded independent genre bookstore Mysterious Galaxy in Southern California in 1993; she is a regular contributor to programming at literary conventions all over the country, including Comic-Con International San Diego and New York Comic Con; and she is a regular writer of non-fiction, including critical and biographical essays, and reviews for Mysterious Galaxy, as well as Publishers Weekly. She is passionate about connecting readers and stories.

Visit Maryelizabeth on her website and follow her on Twitter.

Maryelizabeth’s Schedule at Boskone:

Friday 3:00 PM (free to public)
The Origins and Impact of the Original Star Trek TV Series
Linda Addison, Melinda Snodgrass (M), Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Justine Graykin
Harbor III · 60 min · Panel
Fifty years after Kirk and Spock transported into our lives, the franchise is launching yet another TV series. What do we owe to Lucille Ball? And how have science fiction, the realm of entertainment, and our everyday world been influenced by the original Star Trek series?
50th Anniversary: Star Trek

Friday 5:00 PM (free to public)
The Year in Young Adult and Children’s Fiction
Maryelizabeth Yturralde (M), Christine Taylor-Butler, Emma Caywood, Juliana Spink Mills, Bruce Coville
Harbor II · 60 min · Panel
Last year was another great one for young adult and children’s fiction. While the explosion of new authors in these genres may be stabilizing, the number of well-written, top-shelf stories continues to soar! Join our panelists for a lively discussion about what you absolutely must read from 2016 — and what we’re looking forward to as 2017 continues.

Friday 8:00 PM & Reception
Opening Ceremony: Meet the Guests
Brandon Sanderson, Dave Seeley, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo, Milton Davis, Ken MacLeod
Galleria – Stage · 120 min · Event
Welcome to Boskone, New England’s longest-running convention for science fiction, fantasy, and horror! Whether you are attending for the first time or the fifty-fourth, we invite you to join us in the Galleria to meet this year’s guests and program participants while enjoying refreshments, stimulating conversation, and exceptional art that’s a feast for the eyes. Experience the music and the festivities as Boskone celebrates another year of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in Boston.

Saturday 11:00 AM
Special Guest Interview: Maryelizabeth Yturralde
Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Dana Cameron
Harbor II · 60 min · Interview
Boskone’s Special Guest, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, joins us from a Mysterious Galaxy far, far away. From running a bookstore to helping to plan programming for Comic-Con International, M’e (as her friends call her) has been a part of the various forms of fandom for … well, let’s just say for a significant amount of time. Join author Dana Cameron and M’e for a lively discussion between old friends.

Saturday 1:00 PM
Remembering Buffy the Vampire Slayer — 20 Years Later
Christopher Golden, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Dana Cameron, Erin Underwood (M), Deirdre Crimmins
Marina 2 · 60 min · Panel
“Becoming” Parts 1 and 2, “The Body,” “Once More With Feeling,” “Hush,” and “Graduation Day” are among the best-loved episodes of the series. Our panelists discuss the episodes they love the most, and why the show itself continues to be so memorable and rewatchable — 25 years after the movie, and 20 years after the TV show debuted.

Saturday 3:00 PM
100 Years of Shirley Jackson
Maryelizabeth Yturralde (M), John Langan, Jack M. Haringa, F. Brett Cox, Grady Hendrix
Marina 4 · 60 min · Panel
Happy birthday, Shirley! Born 100 years ago and dying aged only 48, the author of “The Lottery” and other modern Gothic tales remains one of the most important — and possibly most underrated — American authors of the last century. What writers have felt her unsettling influence? Why can she still send a chill down the spines of today’s readers? Let’s celebrate Shirley Jackson’s first century, and the lasting and dramatic effect her work has had on our fictions.

Sunday 10:00 AM
Kaffeeklatsch: Maryelizabeth Yturralde
Maryelizabeth Yturralde
Harbor I · 60 min · Kaffeeklatsch

Sunday 12:00 NOON
Brick and Mortar: Bookstores Then, Now, and Tomorrow
Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Robert Howard, Joe Siclari (M), Ian Randal Strock, Lauren Roy
Marina 4 · 60 min · Panel
Despite surges in online and ebook sales: at least for now, bookstores are here to stay. Our panelists share their favorite stories about the printed matter palaces they love, how to support them, and what continued life they’re finding in today’s publishing world. How can we make better use of our bookstores? What purpose do they serve for authors, publishers, and readers? If they ever disappear, whatever will we do?

Sunday 1:00 PM
Best Book EVER!
Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Walter Jon Williams (M), Emma Caywood, Richard R. Horton
Harbor II · 60 min · Panel
Some books are good. Some books are great. And some are the BEST BOOK EVER! Let’s dish over the works that stand out — that changed the way we think about reading — as well as those that fed our appetite for fine fiction and made us hungry for more. What does it take to top your list of all-time great reads?


Want to attend Boskone? We’d love to see you there. All attendees need to purchase a Boskone 54 convention membership. Click here to buy yours today! 

Note: Boskone Programming starts at 2:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and is open to the public from 2:00-6:00 pm. A membership is required after 6:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and through the rest of the weekend.

Full Weekend Rates

One Day Rates

February 9, 2017

Ken MacLeod is Coming to Boskone

Since Boskone can’t take everyone to Scotland, we are pleased to bring science fiction author Ken MacLeod from Scotland to Boskone. This year, Ken is Boskone’s NESFA Press Guest, and we are eager to see him in Boston again. It’s always nice to see an old friend return!

macleod-ken-photo-2Bio: Ken MacLeod was born in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland and lives in West Lothian. He has Honours and Masters degrees in biological subjects and worked for some years in the IT industry. Since 1997 he has been a full-time writer. He is the author of fifteen novels, from The Star Fraction (1995) to The Corporation Wars: Dissidence (Orbit, May 2016), and many articles and short stories. His novels and stories have received three BSFA awards and three Prometheus Awards, and several have been short-listed for the Clarke and Hugo Awards. He is currently working on a space opera trilogy, The Corporation Wars (forthcoming 2016-2017).

In 2009 he was Writer in Residence at the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum at Edinburgh University, and in 2013 and 2014 was Writer in Residence at the MA Creative Writing course at Edinburgh Napier University.

Visit Ken’s blog (The Early Days of a Better Nation) and follow him on Twitter.

Ken’s Schedule at Boskone:

2:00 PM (free to public)
First Contact/Close Encounters
Christine Taylor-Butler, Ken MacLeod, Charles Stross, JeffWarner (M), Garen Daly
Harbor III · 60 min · Panel
What will it be like if and when we encounter our first aliens? Let’s celebrate the 40th anniversary of Steven Spielberg’s classic alien meetup movie by looking at first contact issues through its lens. Is Close Encounters of the Third Kind a realistic representation of how first contact is likely to go? Does the film stand the test of time? How about one of our newest cinematic favorites, Arrival?

Friday 8:00 PM & Reception
Opening Ceremony: Meet the Guests
Brandon Sanderson, Dave Seeley, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo, Milton Davis, Ken MacLeod
Galleria – Stage · 120 min · Event
Welcome to Boskone, New England’s longest-running convention for science fiction, fantasy, and horror! Whether you are attending for the first time or the fifty-fourth, we invite you to join us in the Galleria to meet this year’s guests and program participants while enjoying refreshments, stimulating conversation, and exceptional art that’s a feast for the eyes. Experience the music and the festivities as Boskone celebrates another year of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in Boston.

Saturday 12:00 NOON
Fiction From Abroad
Robert J. Sawyer (M), Ken MacLeod, John Chu, Milton Davis
Marina 3 · 60 min · Panel
International fiction is a wonderful thing! Let’s celebrate some of the great genre fiction being written beyond the borders of the United States. What should we be reading? What do we want more of? And … where can we get it?

Saturday 2:00 PM
Autographing: Debra Doyle, James D. Macdonald, Ken MacLeod, Charles Stross
Charles Stross, Debra Doyle, James D. Macdonald, Ken MacLeod
Galleria · 60 min · Autographing

Saturday 3:30 PM
Reading by Ken MacLeod
Ken MacLeod
Griffin · 30 min · Reading

Saturday 5:00 PM
Kaffeeklatsch: Ken MacLeod
Ken MacLeod
Harbor I · 60 min · Kaffeeklatsch

Sunday 11:00 AM
NESFA Press Guest Interview: Ken MacLeod
Ken MacLeod, Charles Stross
Harbor III · 60 min · Interview
Charles Stross interviews our NESFA Press Guest, Ken MacLeod. Will we hear about Scotland, zoology, and biomechanics, or the intersection between socialist ideologies and computer programming? Come and find out!

Sunday 2:00 PM
Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars
Priscilla Olson (M), Melinda Snodgrass, Ken MacLeod, John Langan, Paul Di Filippo
Marina 1 · 60 min · Panel
You stare at the Red Planet as it drifts through the sky … and if you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself on Mars. Revisit Barsoom, and meet up with Thuvia, the Master Mind, savage Green Martians — and (of course) the incomparable Dejah Thoris.


Want to attend Boskone? We’d love to see you there. All attendees need to purchase a Boskone 54 convention membership. Click here to buy yours today! 

Note: Boskone Programming starts at 2:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and is open to the public from 2:00-6:00 pm. A membership is required after 6:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and through the rest of the weekend.

Full Weekend Rates

One Day Rates

February 8, 2017

B54 Mini Interviews: Juliana Spink Mills, Tom Kidd and Trisha J. Wooldridge


Juliana Spink Mills

Juliana Spink Mills was born in London, England, but moved to São Paulo, Brazil at the age of eight, which probably explains her love of stories that take the reader through rabbit holes or wardrobes and into strange, new worlds. She grew up bilingual and bicultural. Now living in Connecticut, she writes mainly young adult and middle grade fantasy and science fiction. Her recent work includes short stories in two upcoming anthologies (Aliens, Tickety Boo Press, UK; and Journeys, Woodbridge Press, Canada). Heart Blade, her first novel, will be published in February 2017 by Woodbridge Press. Heart Blade is book 1 of the Blade Hunt Chronicles, a young adult urban fantasy series. Juliana is a member of the SCBWI and NESFA, and part of the interview team at Find her online at her website and Twitter.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

At the moment I’m working on Night Blade, the second novel in my young adult Blade Hunt Chronicles series. It’s wonderful and exciting to get a chance to expand the world I introduced in book 1, Heart Blade. At the same time, it’s been a challenge to keep things fresh and new, without losing track of all those plot threads. With two more books planned for the series, I also have to make sure I leave enough room for the story to grow.

What is it that you enjoy most about Boskone?

Boskone was the first SF/F convention I ever attended. That first year, I was really nervous about going to a convention by myself, without knowing anyone, but I was very quickly set at ease. I love the friendly atmosphere, the great conversation and, of course, the excellent programming.

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

C.S. Lewis’ Lucy Pevensie was my first ever favorite and I still love her to this day. She’s brave, loyal, and always ready to stick up for others and do the right thing, no matter how scared she may be.


Tom Kidd

tomkidd_245Tom’s publishing clients include William Morrow, Harper Collins, (for whom he produced cover of HG Well’s War of the Worlds), Ballantine Books, Del Rey Books, Doubleday Books, Penguin Books, Warner Books, MacMillan & Co., St. Martin’s Press, Marvel Comics, Random House and Reader’s Digest. In the design field he has worked for Walt Disney Feature Animation, Universal Studios, Landmark Entertainment, Franklin Mint, and International Robotics.

He has exhibits of his work at the Canton Museum of Art, Delaware Art Museum, Society of Illustrators, Words & Pictures Museum, RSVP Dreams Competition, and NASA Future Art. Find him online at his website and Facebook.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

Something I hope to finally have completed by World Fantasy Con in 2018, my illustrated book “Gnemo.” I’ll be their guest artist that year so it seems like a nice challenge to make that deadline.

If you could recommend a book to your teenage-self, what book would you recommend? Why did you pick that book?

It’s not science fiction, and it wasn’t yet written when I was a teenager, but its importance is that it filled in a gap in my mathematical education.:The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives. If science fiction, then my older teenage self has already told my younger teenage self to read The Dying Earth for its sheer beauty.

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

Dr. Susan Calvin, Asimov’s robot-psychologist. I liked how complex a problem could be with just a few basic elements and how difficult it was to solve those problems. Calvin’s ability to break it all down to those simple restrictions is not unlike how the rules of physics make the universe.


Trisha J. Wooldridge

Trisha J. Wooldridge has been a freelance editor, copywriter, journalist, and author for over thirteen years. She’s edited over fifty books, three online courses, four tutoring manuals, several issues of Massachusetts Horse magazine, mutual fund resource information, and the text for the Dungeons & Dragons: Stormreach, massive multi-player online role playing game. As a journalist, she’s reviewed restaurants, wine, beer, and whiskey; she’s covered international food trade and controversy over migrant tomato workers; and she’s spotlighted over two dozen horsewomen and horse rescues throughout Massachusetts. Her fiction includes over a dozen short stories and poems, including pieces in the EPIC award-winning Bad-Ass Faeries anthologies and the Stoker award-nominated New England Horror Writer anthologies. Under the name T.J. Wooldridge, she’s published three middle grade novels: The Kelpie, The Earl’s Childe, and Silent Starsong. She is the former president of Broad Universe, as well as a member of New England Horror Writers, the Horror Writers Association, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. Because she has belief issues when it comes to free time, she also does event coordinating for Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester and teaches Tarot classes at a local apothecary. Find her online at her website, Facebook and Twitter.

How would you describe your work to people who might be unfamiliar with you?

Dark, whimsical, and fantastical. I like to explore stories, excavate and observe them with the tools of science. And I like stories as ways to explore the limits of what we assume we know in science. I do a lot of research, though it doesn’t always show up on the page. I love faery tales, myths, and folklore – and the philosophies and psychologies that go into those stories. Most of all, I love the people who populate stories. If I’m not interested in the person, I won’t care about their stories…so while I have a lot of science, folklore, research, and such woven into my work, they are all very character-driven.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

“Confession: This interview popped into my email in perfect time to procrastinate on my NaNoWriMo project… so, when not procrastinating, I’m working on a new children’s book, age/reading level of Graveyard Book or Coraline, in which the escaped fragments of our dreams are living beings who find each other and create their own societies – traveling circuses under our beds.

This idea struck me some time ago – it’s one that I don’t have a definite “”a-ha”” spark that I can remember. I’ve always had lucid dreaming, waking dreams, physical effects from dreams, and remembered my dreams. Mixed into that is the “”666 Rules”” song from The Devil’s Carnival, a rock-opera, fable-exploring movie by Terrance Zdunich and Darren Bousman.

So, these little beings, these “”Figments””, have a set of rules to protect them. Though they know the Dreamers created them, they are very aware of how many ways the Dreamers can destroy them: being seen by a fully grown Dreamer, being burnt by sunlight, or hit with the beam of a lamp or flashlight… They protect each other in adopted families and the families form communities. And everything is going fine until one young Figment is captured by a Dreamer child. The circus family must decide between keeping each other safe by following the rules, or breaking them to rescue their child.

What intrigues me most is exploring the world and culture of the Circuses. They have a very different view of the world, of how they define themselves, and what their purpose for existing is… and when how so many things change when what they “”know”” to be true is challenged.”

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

Tasslehoff Burrfoot from the DragonLance Chronicles. I was absolutely fascinated by the kender culture created in these books – their dangerous curiosity, their…unique…sense of property, their fearlessness, and the particular mix of frightening insight and total obliviousness both when reading the people with whom they interact. It was the first secondary world race that, I felt, was really different from other things I read – and also completely identifiable to me. As for Tas, himself, he had all those traits of his race/ethnicity, but they worked within his individual personality. Despite the extent of impossibility in his culture’s existence, he was a very real character and it was his fault (or rather, authors Weis’s and Hickman’s fault) that I first felt the horrifying thrill of throwing a book across a room and damaging a wall.

February 7, 2017

B54 Mini Interviews: James Moore, Toni L. P. Kelner and James Patrick Kelly

Welcome to our latest round of mini interviews! Can you guess which Boskone 54 program participants cite Sherlock Holmes as their favorite fictional character? Read on to find out!

James Moore

jamesmoore_75James A. Moore is an award winning author of over twenty-five novels, including the critically acclaimed Serenity Falls trilogy and the Seven Forges fantasy series and the Aliens novel Sea of Sorrows. His recurring anti-hero, Jonathan Crowley has appeared in half a dozen novels with more to come. His most recent works include City of Wonders and The Silent Army, as well as the forthcoming mosaic novel Indigo (with Chuck Wendig, Christopher Golden, Jonathan Maberry, Charlaine Harris, et al.) You can find him at his website, Facebook and Twitter.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

I am working on the sequel to The Last Sacrifice. It’s a very different project for me, there’s a great deal of movement of characters and changing of the world as the story progresses, and it’s rather like solving a three dimensional puzzle every few chapters to keep up with the shifting power structures.

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

Sherlock Holmes. He is the perfect example of a flawed hero. hew has many issues, many flaws, but he continues on and uses his mind as a weapon and as a source of detection. He is the model for so very many of his predecessors.

What is it that you enjoy most about Boskone?

The general feeling that I am with my tribe. Everyone at Boskone loves the genre and it shows.


Leigh Perry (Toni L. P. Kelner)

leighperry_27Leigh Perry writes the Family Skeleton mysteries. The Skeleton Haunts a House is the most recent. As Toni L.P. Kelner, she’s the co-editor of paranormal fiction anthologies with Charlaine Harris; the author of eleven mystery novels; and an Agatha Award winner and multiple award nominee for short fiction. No matter what you call her, she lives north of Boston with two daughters, two guinea pigs, and one husband. Find her online at her website and Twitter.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

I’m trying really hard to finish my fourth Family Skeleton mystery. The big challenge is to continue a series while ringing enough changes that it’s still interesting for the reader.

What are you looking forward to at Boskone?

Talking to other people about books! Writing them, reading them, collecting them! BOOKS!!! And Doctor Who.

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

Sherlock Holmes. He can be interpreted and reinterpreted, and it never gets old.

James Patrick Kelly

jamespatrickkelly_88James Patrick Kelly has written novels, short stories, essays, reviews, poetry, plays and planetarium shows. His short novel Burn won the Nebula Award in 2007. He has won the Hugo Award twice: in 1996, for his novelette “Think Like A Dinosaur” and in 2000, for his novelette, “Ten to the Sixteenth to One.” His fiction has been translated into eighteen languages. With John Kessel he is co-editor of a series of anthologies including Feeling Very Strange: The Slipstream Anthology.

He has two podcasts, James Patrick Kelly’s Storypod on and the Free Reads Podcast. He writes columns for Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine and for Mothership Zeta is on the faculty of the Stonecoast Creative Writing MFA Program at the University of Southern Maine. Be on the lookout in 2017 for Mothership, his first novel in decades. Find him online at his website, Facebook and Twitter.

What are you working on now? What excites or challenges you about this project?

I’m working on a new novel based on my Fay Hardaway series. Fay is a hardboiled PI and she works in a world where aliens have disappeared all the men in order to “improve the human race.” This has led me to interrogate almost all of my assumptions about gender.

If you could recommend a book to your teenage-self, what book would you recommend? Why did you pick that book?

I was very impressed by Charlie Jane Anders All the Birds in the Sky  last year and I expect it will be an awards contender. I like how it starts as a coming of age story and goes way, way beyond. Also it features one of the happiest marriages of fantasy and science fiction in the history of the genres.

Who is your all-time favorite fictional character? What is it about this character that you love?

Since I am writing a hardboiled PI genre I have to tip my Red Sox cap to Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe. Why? The language. “He was the kind of cop who spits on his blackjack every night instead of saying his prayers.”

February 6, 2017

The Fabulous Lorraine & Lojo Russo are Coming to Boskone!

Boskone 54’s Featured Filkers are sure to delight … and will make you laugh like crazy because they are FUNNY! The Fabulous Lorraine (aka Quiche Me Deadly, aka Lorraine Garland) and Lojo Russo are incredibly talented musicians who are full of surprises. You’re going to love them. We promise.

Bio: The Fabulous Lorraine aka Quiche Me Deadly has been a musician for simply yonks now. Starting way back in the dawn of time with Emma Bull in the Flash Girls, where she performed songs from a variety of authors including Emma, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Dave McKean and many others she has no doubt forgotten. She’s currently playing with a guy named Paul in the excitedly named band “Paul and Lorraine” and has for the moment retired from Roller Derby but that could change at any time.

Fabulous-Lorraine-Quiche worked for 20 years as Neil Gaiman’s Assistant before deciding to go back to Skool and get AODA/Spanish/English/Librarian Assoc/BA/Masters degree thing. She and Neil remain best friends, Skool is wonderful fun except for the whole wearing pants thing and she’s still funny as hell.

Visit Lorraine on her website, friend her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter.

Bio: Lego LojoLojo Russo has been orbiting the ‘Con biospheres since her first days in the awesomely, classic-jam-rock quintet known as, ‘Cats Laughing’.  Three of the original members of ‘Cats Laughing’ – Emma Bull, Steven Brust and Adam Stemple – are best known for their wonderfully crafted SF/F novels. A fourth member wrote ‘blue novels’ under the pseudonym, “Anonymous”. Russo retains the dubious distinction of being the only non-published author of that group.

Somewhere along this timeline she also fell in with the Fabulous Lorraine and has remained both friend and confidant as well as one part of the peculiarly remarkable twosome, Mogg. (aka; Moggenahf, Mogguffaw, the “other” Flashgirls)

From those humble beginnings Lojo Russo has continued to provide soulful, fanciful and farcical music to her enduring fan.  Her novelty album, Sweet Tooth, contains the ‘Con-inspired hits, ‘Orbital Groove’ and ‘Blame It On the Jello’.  She enjoys long walks on the beach, the smell of Hi-Karate and the way bandaid packets spark when you open them.

Visit Lojo on her website, friend her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter.

Lorraine’s & Lojo’s Schedule at Boskone:

Friday 6:00 PM
A Cataclysm of Cats! Redux
Lorraine Garland, Esther Friesner, Bruce Coville, Steve Davidson (M)
Harbor III · 60 min · Panel
Some suspect that cats (instead of dinosaurs, space cowboys, pirates, or even aliens) are taking over the world. To avert this pending kitty conquest, our panelists hatch some clever plots that just may save us from the ascendency of our feline overlords. While they’re at it, they’ll also discuss how our furry friends are used for the good of all in SF/F writing. Or is this really just subterfuge? Meow …

Friday 8:00 PM & Reception
Opening Ceremony: Meet the Guests
Brandon Sanderson, Dave Seeley, Maryelizabeth Yturralde, Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo, Milton Davis, Ken MacLeod
Galleria – Stage · 120 min · Event
Welcome to Boskone, New England’s longest-running convention for science fiction, fantasy, and horror! Whether you are attending for the first time or the fifty-fourth, we invite you to join us in the Galleria to meet this year’s guests and program participants while enjoying refreshments, stimulating conversation, and exceptional art that’s a feast for the eyes. Experience the music and the festivities as Boskone celebrates another year of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in Boston.

Friday 9:00 PM
Featured Filkers Concert: The Fabulous Lorraine & Lojo Russo
Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo
Marina 1 · 60 min · Event
The Fabulous Lorraine (aka Quiche Me Deadly) and Lojo Russo, longtime friends and coconspirators, have come to Boskone to entertain us with their fanciful and farcical music — which has yet to disappoint anyone, including themselves.

Saturday 11:30 AM
Reading by Lorraine Garland
Lorraine Garland
Griffin · 60 min · Reading

Saturday 1:00 PM
Song Writing With Featured Filkers Lorraine Garland & Lojo Russo (Kids Only)
Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo
Galleria · 60 min · Children – DragonsLair

Saturday 3:00 PM
Song Sequitur
Benjamin Newman, Roberta Rogow, Gary Ehrlich, Lojo Russo, Lorraine Garland
Lewis · 60 min · Filk
Join our panel of performers for this impromptu round robin, where every song must “follow” the previous song … somehow.

Saturday 5:00 PM
Great Ghost Stories
Lojo Russo, E.J. Stevens, Gillian Daniels (M), Rob Greene, Paul Tremblay
Harbor III · 60 min · Panel
We’ll look for and at the best stories that take place on the fringe: stories in which the living and the dead intersect, bringing out the drama, tension, and atmosphere that are the hallmarks of a well-told ghost story. (One darkly shining exemplar: Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House.) Join us for an unsettling discussion of what makes a good ghost story great, and why some tales become enduring classics while others … don’t.

Saturday 8:00 PM
Lojo & Lorraine: Making Music
Lojo Russo, Lorraine Garland
Harbor II+III · 30 min · Event
Join Boskone’s Featured Filkers Lorraine Garland and Lojo Russo for a short concert that kicks off our Saturday night programming with a bang!

Saturday 9:00 PM
The Play’s The Thing!
Laurie Mann (M), Lojo Russo, Lorraine Garland, David G. Grubbs, Erin Underwood (M), Jane Yolen, Bruce Coville, David Anthony Durham, Darlene Marshall
Harbor II+III · 90 min · Event
Boskone’s theatrical extravaganza features a live reading of a faux-Shakespearean play that is based upon an Empire far, far away that has striketh back against an intrepid group of friends who are “forced” to confront the dark side. There will be capes and a lighted saber (or two) and shenanigans to entertain audiences of all ages!

Sunday 10:00 AM
Autographing: Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo, Trisha Wooldridge, Jane Yolen
Jane Yolen, Lojo Russo, Lorraine Garland, Trisha Wooldridge
Galleria · 60 min · Autographing

Sunday 12:00 NOON
The Princess Bride Then, Now, & Tomorrow
Dan Moren (M), Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Lojo Russo, Ginjer Buchanan
Harbor II · 60 min · Panel
Compared to today’s film standards, The Princess Bride’s lack of diversity is apparent and the female roles aren’t nearly as strong as their male counterparts. But it’s a classic and continues to be loved by people of all ages, sexes, and races. There is something about this film that we key into as story-lovers that continues to keep The Princess Bride on our “favorites” list. Why do we love it? Why have these characters stayed with us for so long? What parts of the movie may have failed us over time? Do we think this will remain a classic 10, 20, or even 50 years from now?
30th Anniversary: The Pricess Bride (film)

Sunday 1:00 PM
Kaffeeklatsch: Lojo Russo and Lorraine Garland
Lojo Russo, Lorraine Garland
Harbor I · 60 min · Kaffeeklatsch

Sunday 2:00 PM
Cat Songs Sing-Along
Lorraine Garland, Lojo Russo, Gary Ehrlich
Lewis · 60 min · Filk
Come sing along to some of our favorite filk and folk songs about cats! Lyrics will be projected.


Want to attend Boskone? We’d love to see you there. All attendees need to purchase a Boskone 54 convention membership. Click here to buy yours today! 

Note: Boskone Programming starts at 2:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and is open to the public from 2:00-6:00 pm. A membership is required after 6:00 pm on Friday, February 17th and through the rest of the weekend.

Full Weekend Rates

One Day Rates