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New England Science Fiction Association
February 11, 2021

Hot Off the Press: Read the Boskone 58 Souvenir Book!

The Boskone 58 Souvenir Book is available for download!

Since Boskone 58 is a virtual convention this year, we have created a beautiful PDF version of the Boskone 58 Souvenir Book for you to read that includes guest introductions, lovely art from our official artist Julie Dillon, a short story by Carlos Hernandez, a special memorial of our community member Ben Bova, and more.

The virtual Boskone 58 Souvenir Book is our gift to you. Thank you for being such a wonderful community!

This year’s guests include:

  • Guest of Honor: Joe Abercrombie
  • Official Artist: Julie Dillon
  • Special Guest: Sheree Renée Thomas
  • Musical Guest: Marc Gunn
  • NESFA Press Guest: Ursula Vernon
  • Hal Clement Science Speakers:  Mike Brotherton & Christian Ready

Special thanks to our designer Errick Nunnally.


We have no membership cap, and Boskone is open to our community members from around the world.  Boskone takes place February 12-14, 2021, will feature 175+ program items, 150+ program participants, and 90+ items that get recorded and saved on the event site for later viewing through the month of February 2021. Join us and purchase your membership today!

February 11, 2021

Quick Tip: Changing your Public Name, Avatar & Visibility at Boskone 58

We all have our preferred pen name or convention name, and often that preference is our legal name. However, that’s not always the case. So, how do you change your public name and/or avatar for your online interactions at Boskone 58?

It’s easy to change your Public Name. Here is a short list of easy steps to change your name and your avatar to personalize your interactions at virtual Boskone 58.

<<To update your profile, you must first be logged into your account and the BLUE “Registered” icon should show next to your avatar in the upper right corner of your browser.>>

STEP 1: Go to Your Profile Page.

To change your public name and/or avatar image, click on the My Profile button in the menu or click on your profile’s avatar and click on the My Profile option in the drop-down menu that appears.

STEP 2: Change your Avatar.

You will be taken to your Profile. Your name as it is listed here is simply the legal name associated with your membership purchase that is entered when you process your payment. This information is not editable, and it is the default name shown when interacting or posting within the Boskone 58 platform. To set up a Public Name to show others (i.e. personalizing your “name badge”), click on the My Settings option in the left hand menu.

To change your avatar, click on the “Select Image” button, then navigate to your preferred image on your computer, and then click save. It may take a few minutes for your information to update on the website.

STEP: Change Your Public Name & Public Visibility

Once on your settings page, you can enter your preferred badge name by entering a first name and/or last name into the Publishable Name fields.

You can also adjust what information you show to the public. This includes switching on/off your profile, your schedule, and your messaging preferences.


These Quick Tips are meant to give you an easy set of steps to personalize your online experience at Boskone 58.

We have a more complete and a much more detailed set of instructions listed under the EVENT INFORMATION tab on the Boskone 58 event website. The “Information and Help” documentation is publicly available to anyone visiting the site so that you can view it before registering and before logging into the system so that you know what resources are available to you.


February 10, 2021

B58 Mini Interview with R.W.W. Greene and Jennifer Williams

Welcome back to the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series! Get to know some of the top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, why they’re looking forward to Boskone, and perhaps a sneak peek at what they’re working on next.

Today on the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series we are with R.W.W. Greene and Jennifer Williams!

It it also bittersweet that today we must also announce that these are our final two participants in the B58 Mini Interview Series! Hope all of you have enjoyed hearing from some of the participants and we look forward to virtually seeing all you this weekend!

R.W.W. Greene

Rob Greene is a New Hampshire SFF author who writes as the far more Google-friendly “R.W.W. Greene.” His debut novel THE LIGHT YEARS came out February 2020 with Angry Robot Books. His sophomore effort, also an Angry Robot production, is expected in August 2021. Greene is represented by Sara Megibow of the KT Literary Agency.

Visit R.W.W. Greene on their FacebookTwitter, Instagram, and Website!


Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

Charles Bradley’s “Changes” album.


Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Williams is an author and editor from Salem, Massachusetts. Prior to the pandemic she volunteered at a local queer youth center and spent her Sundays practicing Krav Maga. Now she mostly hangs out with her cats. She occasionally does editorial work for Circlet Press, and organized a Circlet Press online writing group after the pandemic hit. Her work can be found in Grim Magazine, various small press anthologies, and on the Anatomy Of A Scream blog. Follow her online at @JenWilliams13

Visit Jennifer Williams on their Twitter, and Instagram!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

Simply being able to participate is what’s exciting to me for Boskone 58. Since becoming disabled it has been increasingly difficult for me to attend conventions so having a virtual convention is opening a gateway for me that has been closed for some time. I’m excited to see old and new faces. I’m excited to engage in conversation about topics that I love. There’s a sense of home that fan run conventions provide and I’ve missed that greatly.

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

Oh, this is already planned! Once it is truly safe to travel my Circlet Press friends and I are planning on a writing retreat. It’s a tradition Cecilia Tan started several years back but for obvious reasons it did not happen in 2020. It’s a wonderful time when all of us Circlet geeks can get together, laugh, hug, write, and just generally enjoy being with like minded people. I’ve found it’s a great jump start to creativity.

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

What Keeps You Alive (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – Brittany Allen

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

I have a couple of pieces I’m working on. One is a queer apocalyptic horror story (possibly novel), and the other is Victorian lesbian vampire erotica with a bit of a murder mystery thrown in. I seem to be incapable of writing entirely straight characters and I am 100% okay with that.

As for new releases, my latest is a short story. It’s called The Monsters We Become and it’s in the newest anthology by the New England Horror Writers; Wicked Women: An Anthology of the New England Horror Writers edited by Trisha J. Wooldridge and Scott T. Goudsward. The story is an exploration of family trauma, childhood abuse, and the magic and mythology of girlhood.


Curious about who else is coming to Boskone 58? With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out. Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

Register for Boskone 57!
Don’t miss out! Register for Boskone 58 today!

February 9, 2021

Introducing the Fantastic Fund for Boskone

COVID-19 has had a significant economic impact on the Science Fiction Fandom community. If you would like to attend the Virtual Boskone 58, but feel that the $25 fee would pose a hardship, there are some funds available, donated by others in our community. If you would like to request a sponsorship, or would like to sponsor another, please email

February 8, 2021

B58 Mini Interview with S.B. Divya, Dr. Stephen P. Kelner Jr., and Cat Scully

Welcome back to the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series! Get to know some of the top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, why they’re looking forward to Boskone, and perhaps a sneak peek at what they’re working on next.

Today on the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series we are with S.B. Divya, Dr. Stephen P. Kelner Jr., and Cat Scully!

S.B. Divya

S.B. Divya is a lover of science, math, fiction, and the Oxford comma. She enjoys subverting expectations and breaking stereotypes whenever she can. Divya is the Hugo and Nebula nominated author of Runtime and co-editor of Escape Pod, with Mur Lafferty. Her short stories have been published at various magazines including Analog, Uncanny, and Her collection, Contingency Plans For the Apocalypse and Other Situations, is out now from Hachette India, and her debut novel MACHINEHOOD is forthcoming from Saga Press in March, 2021. She holds degrees in Computational Neuroscience and Signal Processing, and she worked for twenty years as an electrical engineer before becoming an author. Find out more about her at or on Twitter as @divyastweets.

Visit S.B. Divya on their Twitter, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

Getting to attend a convention that I’ve heard good things about for many years now! Boston is far from Southern California, but thanks to the virtual format, I’m able to participate. I like smaller conventions as a way to get to know people without being overwhelmed.

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

For the real world, I want to visit Antarctica and the Himalayas on Earth. Off planet, I’d love to see Europa, and pretty much any other star system than ours. For the fictional, Arrakis (from Dune), and Tiamat (from The Snow Queen). I guess I like extreme environments! Also, I love to travel so whittling this list down to five places was hard. Getting it down to one would be impossible.

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

One of my favorites on Spotify

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

My first science fiction novel, Machinehood, is about to come out on March 2. I’m excited about it, especially because it’s my artificial intelligence story, and that’s a space I’ve occupied as an engineer. I’m currently working on a far future epic science fiction novel. It’s a big departure from Machinehood, which takes place in 2095, and Runtime, my novella that’s set a few decades in the future. I’d also like to mention the Escape Pod Anthology, which came out in Fall 2020. It’s a collection of 15 stories that I co-edited with Mur Lafferty to commemorate our podcast’s fifteenth anniversary.


Dr. Stephen P. Kelner Jr.

Dr. Stephen P. Kelner Jr. (“Steve”) is a motivational psychologist, a writer, and an assessor and developer of leaders, in no particular order. He is President and Co-Founder of Ascent Leadership Networks, which develops executive leaders in ways that matter, in unique and measurable ways. He is published in nonfiction (numerous articles on leadership, capability, and motivation plus the book Motivate Your Writing now in its second edition) and short fiction, and is working on a book on how leadership is assessed and developed based on his 30 years doing so with business and nonprofit leaders. He is married to his favorite editor, award-winning and bestselling mystery and urban fantasy writer Toni L. P. Kelner/Leigh Perry. They are parents to two highly artistic children (animation and music) and live on the North Shore.

Visit Dr. Stephen P. Kelner Jr. on their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

The interactions on the panels – not only with the participants, but the audience as well, I hope!

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

Concilium Orb, from Julian May’s Milieu Trilogy. It’s a massive and diverse artificial planetoid, with various settings duplicating that of the worlds of the species of the Milieu. I couldn’t get in, given that I am not metapsychic (as far as I know), but perhaps I could sneak in for a bit!

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

Harlan Ellison liked to write to Ennio Morricone’s movie soundtracks.

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

My big news is that I am releasing MOTIVATE YOUR WRITING 2.0 in ebook form – the updated, revised, and expanded version of my original book to help writers motivate their creativity and writing productivity. In the past fifteen years since it came out, I’ve had the opportunity to continue my initial research, speaking to numerous writers about how they approach their work and analyzing it for patterns. I’ve incorporated answers to questions people have asked over that time, and I’ve also added content reflecting the the massive changes in the publishing world since 2005. In addition to the revisions throughout, it’s over 10% longer – including new chapters – and you can see the approach I used to track myself through the process there as well!


Cat Scully

Cat Scully is the writer and illustrator of the LGBTQA+ YA horror series JENNIFER STRANGE from Haverhill House Publishing. Cat is best known for her world maps, which have been featured in Brooklyn Brujas trilogy by Zoraida Cordova, Winterspell by Claire Legrand, and Give the Dark My Love by Beth Revis. She works as a User Interface Designer for the Deep End Games on their next title. She is represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency and Debbie Deuble Hill at APA for film and television.

Visit Cat Scully on their Facebook, Twitter, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

I’m really looking forward to connecting with my author and artist friends at Boskone, especially after a year spent apart from them during the pandemic. When I first moved from Atlanta to Boston two years ago, everyone told me I just had to attend Boskone and I absolutely loved it. This year I’m especially looking forward to meeting new readers! I love talking to people who love books and anyone who is passionate about stories. The best feeling is finding a great new reading recommendation and sharing that joy with someone. My favorite part about being on the panels at Boskone is I always leave with new books, games, or movies I need to check out. I love getting the chance to meet authors and artists in person to learn more about craft and also spend time gushing about books. I am really excited about what new authors I’m going to discover from Boskone that may be my next favorite book.

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

Doesn’t going anywhere sound wonderful? Traveling is definitely high on my list of priorities when the pandemic is over and it’s safe to travel again. I think if I could have a traveling wish granted, it would be to have a magical map with all my favorite places and if I pointed to it, it could take me there in a flash. I’d love to suddenly head off to the Scottish highlands one day and Paris the next. In real life, my aspirations are actually a little closer to home. The pandemic made me realize how little of New England I’ve seen so far. I can’t wait to explore Maine, Vermont, the White Mountains in New Hampshire, and see what upstate New York is like. I’ve lived in the South my whole life so everything here is new and unexplored, especially because I’ve never lived this close to the ocean. I want to see all of New England next, which is almost as good as having a magical map that will take you anywhere.

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

My debut Jennifer Strange released last year, and it’s a very campy romp about two sisters fighting demons in Savannah, Georgia often with messy results. It’s perfect for fans of Buffy and Supernatural, but it does get bloodier than those shows do. I illustrated the book in two styles, which I’m going to continue in book two: Jennifer Strange and the Red Gate. I’m incredibly excited for that book because it explores more of Jennifer’s ghost hunting family on her father’s side, as well as the past of some important characters introduced in book one. The world is going to blow wide open in book two, and so much I hinted at will be finally explained. I’m writing it now along with a standalone historical dark fantasy Mercy Park, which is my urban legend YA book. I’m also going to be working on video games at the Deep End Games, focusing on UI Design, concept art, and writing. Our game Romancelvania just got funded on Kickstarter and our team is so excited to spend the next year or so working on it.


Curious about who else is coming to Boskone 58? With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out. Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

Register for Boskone 57!
Don’t miss out! Register for Boskone 58 today!

February 3, 2021

B58 Mini Interviews with Tabitha Lord, Colin Alexander, and J.R.H. Lawless

Welcome back to the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series! Get to know some of the top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, why they’re looking forward to Boskone, and perhaps a sneak peek at what they’re working on next.

Today on the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series we are with Tabitha Lord, Colin Alexander, and J.R.H. Lawless!

Tabitha Lord

Tabitha’s HORIZON series has received several independent book awards including the Writer’s Digest Grand Prize in 2016. Her short fiction has been featured on podcasts including Star Ship Sofa and Tales to Terrify, and in anthologies published by World Weaver Press, Grimbold Books, and more. In addition to writing novels and short fiction, Tabitha is a partner and senior writer for Book Club Babble and managing editor for the Inkitt Writer’s Blog. She lives in Rhode Island with her husband, four kids, and lovable fur babies. She is currently the Vice President of the Association of RI Authors.

Visit Tabitha Lord on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Website!



Colin Alexander

Colin Alexander is a writer of science fiction and fantasy. Actually, Colin Alexander is a pseudonym, maybe an alter ego, or who the author would have been if he hadn’t had a career as a medical researcher. He’s been reading science fiction since he was ten and has published five books so far including Starman’s Saga and Accidental Warrior. His new book, Complicated: The Interstellar Life and Times of Saoirse Kenneally will be published in the winter of 2021. He’s an active member of both the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and of Mystery Writers of America. Away from writing fiction, Colin is a doctor and a biochemist whose idea of relaxation is martial arts (taekwondo and minna jiu jitsu). He lives in Maine with his wife. You can follow Colin on Amazon at, on Goodreads at, or on Facebook @ColinAlexanderAuthor.

Visit Colin Alexander on their Facebook, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?


If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

I would want to ride a giant worm across the sands of Arrakis, see the Ringworld from space, and sail between the statues of Isildur and Anárion above the Rauros falls on Middle Earth. Those would be unique experiences, demonstrations of the wild glory and magnificence of the universes writers have created through works of science fiction and fantasy. I won’t get to do those things, of course. I’ll have to settle for touring Australia and New Zealand, which my friends from Down Under tell me are just as fabulous.

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

Current favorite: This House Is Not For Sale album by Bob Jovi

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

I’m expecting to publish Complicated: The Interstellar Life and Times of Saoirse Kenneally just in time for Boskone. The setting is a couple of hundred years from now when humanity has figured out how to open wormholes and, consequently, has exploded across a volume of space. The story revolves around its main character and her problems, both the ones she finds herself in and the ones she creates for herself. Saoirse has some positives; she?s very smart and strong in an athletic way. Unfortunately, she is also an alcoholic and addict with a big dose of self-loathing. None of the rehabs she has been in will take her back, her family has disowned her, and the story opens with her waking up in jail. It’s not a promising start. She avoids doing time by taking a two-year term of off-planet service but staying out of trouble is not her strong suit. She finds herself enmeshed in a web of corruption, interstellar drug smuggling, violence, and power politics. Ultimately, the question is: can a twenty-year old woman with a checkered past, a tenuous grip on sobriety, and an on-again off-again relationship with the truth save an entire planet from a bloody power grab? And can she save herself in the bargain? I had fun writing about Saoirse and her adventures and I hope you will enjoy reading them.


J.R.H. Lawless

J.R.H. Lawless is a bestselling SF author from Atlantic Canada who blends comedy with political themes — drawing heavily, in both cases, on their experience as a lawyer and as Secretary General of a Parliamentary group at the French National Assembly. A member of SFWA and Codex Writers, their short fiction has been published in many professional venues, including foreign sales. They are also a craft article contributor to the SFWA blog, the SFWA Bulletin, and Their two 2020 debut novels, ALWAYS GREENER and THE RUDE EYE OF REBELLION, are out now from Uproar Books in hard cover, paperback, and eBook, and from Tantor Media in audiobook. They are represented by Marisa Corvisiero at the Corvisiero Literary Agency, and would love to hear from you on Twitter, over at @SpaceLawyerSF!

Visit J.R.H. Lawless on their Facebook, Twitter, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

This will be my first Boskone–which is a crime in itself, since Nova Scotia and Boston are so close, in more ways than one–and I can’t wait to take part in all the fun I’ve been following from afar for the past few editions. I can’t wait to meet all the attendees, share with all the awesome panelists, and maybe even convince a few folks to nominate me for the Astounding Award, which I’m eligible for this year as a 2020 debut novelist!

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

I’d probably go to Jose Luis Borges’ Library of Babel, the one containing a copy of every book ever written, plus every book that *could* have been as well! On top of the infinite reading, I bet there’d be plenty of Discworld L-space opportunities there for branching out into wherever else or when I might feel like wandering.

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

Electro Swing 2020 Playlist

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

THE RUDE EYE OF REBELLION, the second book in my SF Humor series THE GENERAL BUZZ, will be releasing in paperback and audiobook around Boskone 2021, and the third book in the series should have a release date soon as well! Other than that, I’m still working on prepping two other novels for submission with my agent, as well as drafting the fourth GENERAL BUZZ novel.


Curious about who else is coming to Boskone 58? With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out. Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

Register for Boskone 57!
Don’t miss out! Register for Boskone 58 today!

February 2, 2021

Quick Tips: Logging Into the Virtual Boskone 58 Event Site

The Boskone Event Site is available for viewing!

This means that you can login, update your profile, and build your personalized schedule now and sign up for kaffeeklatsches.

The Boskone 58 event site is located at: and the convention schedule will run from February 12-14, 2021.

We have finished transferring the pre-convention registrations purchased through the NESFA store to the Boskone 58 event site, and we have enabled registration directly through the Boskone event platform. This means that you can purchase memberships through the Boskone event site, which gives you almost immediate access to the pre-convention content. All memberships purchased prior to February 1, 2021 as well as Boskone’s Life memberships and Past Guest memberships have also been added to the database.

You may now try logging into the site using the email associated with your registration. If it doesn’t work, please contact us at

If you haven’t yet registered, memberships are only $25 to participate in the convention, access the pre-convention content, and watch the recorded panels through the end of February 2021. Click here to register today!

To help you know what to expect when logging into the Boskone event platform, here are some Login Quick Tips, which will be useful since many pages have content that is publicly viewable and you may think you are logged in because you can see certain information.

Login Quick Tips

Click on either of the login buttons.

  • One is in the top right corner.
  • One is at the bottom of the banner image.





Enter the email that you used when registering.

This is the email that you entered into the system during the registration process.

If you see an old address for yourself, please do not click “this is not me” because it will create a new duplicate record for you, which will not be attached to your registration. Instead, or if you have any other difficulties, please contact


Password vs. Magic Link

When you login, the system will ask you for your password. You may not know it, and that’s okay. All you need to do is click on the Magic Link button to have the system send you a login link to the email that you used during the registration process.

Once you login, you can go to your profile and update your information, including your password.


Your avatar appears next to a “Registered” button when logged in.

You will return to the landing page for the Boskone 58 event site. It will look the same, except that the login button will either have the preloaded Boskone image or it will  show the image that you saved to your profile the last time you logged into your account.

You can upload a new avatar image anytime through your profile page.

We hope this Quick Tip was useful. We will be sharing a few more Quick Tips before the convention.


February 1, 2021

B58 Mini Interview with Linda D. Addison, Karen Heuler, and Dr. Gillian Polack

Welcome back to the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series! Get to know some of the top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, why they’re looking forward to Boskone, and perhaps a sneak peek at what they’re working on next.

Today on the Boskone 58 Mini Interview Series we are with Linda D. Addison, Karen Heuler, and Dr. Gillian Polack!

Linda D. Addison

Linda D. Addison, award-winning author of five collections, including “How To Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend”, the first African-American recipient of the HWA Bram Stoker Award®, received the HWA Mentor of the Year Award and the HWA Lifetime Achievement Award. Check out her poetry in the HWA Bram Stoker nominated, “The Place of Broken Things”, written with Alessandro Manzetti. She’s excited about a film (inspired by her poem of same name) “Mourning Meal” by producer/director Jamal Hodge. She has published over 360 poems, stories and articles and is a member of CITH, HWA, SFWA and SFPA.

Visit Linda D. Addison on their Facebook, Twitter, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

I’m so looking forward to the same things as 3D version of Boskone and that is talking with other creative folks (friends–new and old), going to panels (as participant and audience). There is always such a wonderful variety of areas (writing, art, film, music, etc.) to visit at Boskone–it’s delightful to see similar offerings in the VR version!

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

My first dream now is to meet my son in NYC (he and I both moved away) and hang out with him, old friends, visit old stomping grounds, especially museums, restaurants in neighborhoods we lived in. Each year since I moved away I’ve gone back to NYC, met up with friends and I really miss it this year.

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

I’m currently finishing edits on my first SF novel (which seems to be taking forever).

I have poetry in the upcoming exciting places:
-BSAM Red Spring: Curating the End of the World exhibition; online at the newyorklivearts dot org
-Weird Tales Magazine #364
-“Chiral Mad 5” & “It Came from the 80?s” anthologies

And a story in Marvel’s Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda anthology, out Feb 2, 2021!


Karen Heuler

Karen Heuler’s stories have appeared in over 100 literary and speculative magazines and anthologies, from Conjunctions to Weird Tales, as well as a number of Best Of anthologies. She has published four novels, four collections, and a novella, and has won an O. Henry award, and been a finalist for many others.

Visit Karen Heuler on their Facebook, Twitter, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

I absolutely adore going to a panel discussion that opens up an idea in science and/or engineering, or that discusses a point about writing that I hadn’t considered before. The unexpected–that’s what I want to find at Boskone.

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

I like jungles. I miss them. I went to the Amazon solo when I was 40, and it was extraordinary. I’d love to go to Costa Rica and see both the rain forest and cloud forest there. Trees and animals give me peace, and the swift surprises of insect life make me consider how much I haven’t encountered of life on earth. I can still happen on the unexpected in cities and in parks and forests, but there’s something about being in a place that smells radically different that also fills me with joy.

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

Some writers are reluctant to talk about their works in progress, and I’m one of them. It takes me a while to come up with an elevator pitch or hook and until I find the right description, anything I say sounds to me like a hand-made garment stitched together by a poor sewer. So I’ll just note: novella. novel. stories. All in various stages. And some things coming out next year.


Dr. Gillian Polack

Dr Gillian Polack is a Jewish-Australian science fiction and fantasy writer, researcher and editor. Her most recent novels are Poison and Light (set on a distant planet where the people reclaim the eighteenth century to hide from the rather-difficult present) and Borderlanders (a portal fantasy like no other). Her 2019 novel The Year of the Fruit Cake won the 2020 Ditmar for best novel and was shortlisted for best SF novel in the Aurealis Awards. She wrote the first Australian Jewish fantasy novel (The Wizardry of Jewish Women). Gillian is a Medievalist/ethnohistorian, currently researching how SFF and historical fiction novels transmit culture. Her work on how writers use history in their fiction (History and Fiction) was a runner-up for an award but is out in paperback anyhow. Her hobbies include researching historical foodways and reading. She has a small collection of select and very attractive fans.

Visit Dr. Gillian Polack on their Facebook, Twitter, and Website!

What you most looking forward to at virtual Boskone 58?

I’m looking forward to Boskone itself and to the people of Boskone. I’ve heard about it for years from so many of my friends and it’s been on my list of “I only wish I could travel more” list for that long. This year it’s coming to me! I may have to stay up late and wake up early, but I will treasure every minute.

If you were planning a holiday or vacation and could visit any location, whether in the real world or fictional worlds, where would you go? Why? 

I love portal fantasies. I always dreamed of the doors in other peoples’ writing and of walking through those doors into enchanted lands. Then I wrote my own. I now want to visit the house in Borderlanders and travel to strange places. I seldom want to visit anywhere I’ve written about, for I know all the downsides of all the places, but doors that lead to hidden seas or to rooms lined with liquid glass? That’s different.

Authors, artists, and creators often listen to music while they work. If you have a playlist you’d like to share or an album to recommend, please add it here. We’ll be compiling a list of lists to help Boskone attendees get their creative juices flowing. 

Surprisingly current

 You’re the Voice John Farnham

What are you currently working on? Any new releases that fans should know about?

I have two new releases for 2020, Borderlanders (cosy fantasy) and Poison and Light (the eighteenth century in space).
I’m currently working on a shared world where dice are used by government and in the Arts and five human genders are part of the social fabric. Right now I’ve only written short stories in this world, but that could change.


Curious about who else is coming to Boskone 58? With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out. Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

Register for Boskone 57!
Don’t miss out! Register for Boskone 58 today!

January 30, 2021

3 Things to Know About Boskone 58

Boskone is going virtual this year, and there are 3 things that every member should know about the convention. With only 2 weeks until the convention, we’ve put together this simple list of things to know to keep them top of mind!

1. Boskone 58 is a single sign on event.

Wait! What does that mean? It means you only have to log into one application to participate in everything. Viola! A single sign on convention.

Based on our experiences with reCONvene 2020 and other SF conventions, we have decided to avoid a piecemeal format by stitching together multiple apps together in order to create a more cohesive and inclusive member experience.

We have used the Grenadine database to build our program for years. Most of our members have used it to set up personalized schedules in the past and to get live program updates on their phones and laptops during the con. Now, we’ll be using it as our single sign on platform for virtual Boskone 58, which means that all you have to do is purchase your membership and log into the event platform to access everything.

Your membership gives you access to the entire event site and program, including panel recordings, the Con Suite (where parties will be held in Zoom breakout rooms), the internal messaging system for chatting, and our special embedded chat windows for program items, art show, dealers, and fan tables. You only have to sign in once, and you get access to everything.

There is one caveat. If you want to play games, you do need to sign up for Board Game Arena since there really isn’t a way to incorporate the expansive and extensive online games into any platform at this point.

2. Boskone 58 panels will be recorded.

There is so much content that there is no way to participate in everything!

Wait, we have you covered!

Your $25 membership gets you access to the full website, 190 program items, and all of the available recordings. While we can’t record everything, the simple rule of thumb is that all items in the Zoom webinar format will be recorded. This covers all panels, solo presentations, and other items that are held as a webinar. The only exception to this rule is if a program participant has asked not to be recorded.

In total, there will be approximately 90 items recorded, with videos becoming available by the end of each day. There is no way (without the use of a time machine) for someone to watch all of the programming available during the con, even with 90+ items available later as recordings. So, we are keeping the Boskone 58 event site up through the end of February 2021 to give you the time you need to enjoy our recorded content all month long.

Even better! Each program item comes with its own embedded chat window that will remain in place after the session ends. This means that even if you can’t see the original airing of the item, you can still watch it and then chat with friends about the content and topics brought up in the session.

3. Boskone 58’s event site will open on February 1.

Wait, but doesn’t Boskone run from February 12-14?

The short answer is, yes! But you can still visit the Boskone 58 event site early.

The long answer is that we think it’s important for our members to get comfortable with the Boskone 58 event site before the convention begins. We want you to log into the system before the start of the convention to ensure that you login works correctly. If anything goes wrong with your login, we want to help you avoid a last minute scramble that could make you miss the start of a program item or miss your change to book a seat in the kaffeeklatch that you wanted. Sign on early, and make sure it works.

We also want you to get familiar with the interactive schedule so that you can personalize your event. With so much programming that you won’t want to miss, this is your opportunity build your perfect program, including the items that you want to watch later, by clicking on the heart icon in the upper right corner to add the item as a favorite on your schedule. Personalize your perfect schedule.

You need to log in to sign up for a kaffeeklatsch and signups open on February 3 at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time). Since some of these items will fill very quickly, please log into your account early just in case you need technical help. Sign up for a kaffeeklatch with ease.

And, that’s it! Three simple things you need to know to make Boskone 58 your favorite Boskone yet!

Curious about who is coming to Boskone 58 and what’s on the schedule? Come find out!

With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out.

Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

January 29, 2021

Kaffeeklatsch Signups Start February 3rd – Boskone 58 Update

The interactive Boskone schedule and event website will be available for members to explore starting on February 1, 2021. We encourage everyone to log into their account to ensure that they can get in smoothly and easily. Once logged in, you can start building your personal agenda, set up your profile, and get familiar with the event platform.

Kaffeeklatch signups will begin on February 3rd at 12:00 noon (U.S. Eastern Time). We have built in a couple days delay to ensure that everyone has a chance to successfully log into the event platform so that members have an equal opportunity for signing up for the Kaffeeklatsch of their choice.

Pre-Convention Activities:

  • Available Now: Register to attend virtual Boskone 58 – Register HERE!
  • Starting February 1: Sign into the event platform and familiarize yourself with the site.*
    • Update your personal profile with things you want to share including your bio, photo, etc.
    • Personalize your schedule with your must-attend items.
  • Starting February 3: Sign up for Kaffeeklatsches with your favorite creators.

*Please note that some features will only become available during the live convention.

This post has been edited to include images related to signing up for a kaffeeklatsch.

Clicking the heart icon adds regular program items to your personalized schedule.

For kaffeeklatches, you need to actually sign up for them. Favoriting them does not add your name to the list of attendees for the item.

You have to click on the “+” sign once it is visible, which should be around 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.


BOSKONE 58 is almost here! Register today and let us know you are coming. We look forward to seeing you there.

 With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out. A Boskone 58 membership is only $25! Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

Register for Boskone 57!
Don’t miss out! Register for Boskone 58 today!